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AFSC delegation visit to North Korea    May 2016


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War or Peace on the Korean Peninsula?


A presentation by Linda Lewis and Dan Jasper

of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 7:00 PM

at the 15th Street meetinghouse - 15 Rutherford Place

All are welcome (call 646 489-4175 for more info)


Sponsored by peace committees of NYC Quaker meetings

and the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)


NYC Advocacy team whose focus this year is on legislation to prevent the U.S. president from starting a war with North Korea .


The AFSC has been working in North Korea for over three decades. By 1998, AFSC had established an on-going agricultural development project with cooperative farms, and today is one of only a handful of American NGOs actively engaged in the DPRK. Linda Lewis, and Daniel Jasper will discuss AFSC¡¯s program in North Korea, the challenges of working in this isolated nation and the impact of sanctions, and opportunities for peace on the Korean peninsula.


Daniel Jasper is AFSC¡¯s Public Education and Advocacy Coordinator for Asia. His role is to bring lessons learned from AFSC¡¯s programs throughout Asia back to policymakers in Washington. His current work focuses heavily on the humanitarian, peacebuilding, and people-to-people aspects of U.S.-North Korea relations.


Linda Lewis, the American Friends Service Committee Country Representative for China/DPRK, is responsible for AFSC¡¯s North Korea program, including its long-standing agricultural development project. Dr. Lewis is a regular visitor to North Korea and has organized numerous study tours and exchanges outside Korea for DPRK partners.



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