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¡¤Yunsun¡¯s Hudson Diary¡¯ (17)
¡¤±×¸°Ä¡ÀÇ »çÀ̵å¿÷ (16)
¡¤À⵿̱ÀÇ Ú¸±³Á÷Àλý½ºÅ丮 (7)
¡¤ÀÌ¸íµ¿ÀÇ ¼¼°èÀÎ Çѱ¹ÀΠ(123)
¡¤ÇϺñ´ÏÀÇ Howdoin (3)
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Going beyond the ethnic background while retaining our core value is the ideal for any and every American. Nowadays, each one of us belongs on the world stage. It's up to each one of us how far we can go on that stage. It is a long, and demanding journey, at the same time, interesting, wonderful, rewarding task. This writing is a part of that task. - Dr. Myong D. Lee

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The report on accompanying mother to San Jose

±Û¾´ÀÌ : ÀÌ¸íµ¿ ³¯Â¥ : 2022-10-22 (Åä) 22:43:29


A certain expectation on traveling together in a long while,

just two of us.

Discovering mom anew, and sharing some interesting stories.

To airport, as expected, nice conversation.

Don¡¯t remember what it was about, now, but warm, comporting.


Expected the same for five hours in the airplane.

My manager, Mae, spent a few more dollars to reserve adjacent seats.

The gate agent reassigned our seats.

Two separate seats, two different rows.

Quick anger and disappointment on my part.

The original badass, ¡°I¡¯m ok.¡±

Possible ugly scene avoided.

No nice, warm, comforting conversation.


Found nice, interesting dialogue at my new seat.

An Afghan.

Covering many topics.

¡°When you insist on your tradition and the old way life,

time flies by, and you find yourself a hundred years behind.¡±

Agreed wholeheartedly.

Parted like two old friends.


1.5 hour into the flight, went over and checked.

Sleeping, sound.

Realized, no worry, necessary.

Noticed cool confidence radiating even while sleeping from the original badass.

Also, a certain defiance. ¡°I¡¯m OK.¡±

Enough said, that was a Dialogue.


Ken, Hewon; more than wonderful; great conversation; comforting and proud

to find them as good partners, cool lovers.


Wilma, Charles, Pax, their welcome, touching.

Pax wanted to give me the best, mousse foie gras, triple Brie, etc., etc., etc.

Watched Pax practicing tennis, saw potential.

Overzealous cheering, Pax embarrassed.

That¡¯s what uncles are for, Ken concurred.


Chris, Patricia, Ramona, Sully; wonderful, busy, focused, fully occupied, proud,

creative, appreciative, loving.

Walking them to school could make a nice short story.

Too much to say, not enough space.

I, ¡°You have an eagle eye.¡± For finding a shining object walking to the school.

Sully, ¡°No, eagle eyes, both eyes are eagle eye.¡±

Jill offered her sky miles for my and Haewohn¡®s next trip to the Bay Area.

Nice of her.

Definitely much nicer when she uses them for own trip with Ramona and Sully.

Here is hoping for it, Jill. As you know, There¡¯re a wonderful world out there,

waiting for you.


Dr. Noh and his wonderful wife went out of their way to welcome us.

Tae, thanks, and nice to see you looking relaxed, confident, enjoying life.


Mom, from one paradise to another.

Secure with her iPad.

¡°I¡¯m OK.¡±


Ken, your sandwich and grape, fantastic, only a genius can create.

Your wine recommendations, brilliant.

You and your Hewon looked wonderful and lovely at the airport.

Thanks, everybody, for the memorable trip.

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