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´Ùµé ¡®È¨Ä¿¹Ö¡¯ °¡´øµ¥¡¦ Homecoming day

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Homecoming day

Yesterday was homecoming day. I didn¡¯t even have time to care about these school events, but now I could.

Homecoming day. I don¡¯t know the history of it nor do I know the purpose of it, but one thing sure is that guys ask girl out for homecoming with flowers and posters that¡¯s saying ¡°will you come to homecoming with me?¡±, and girls had right to say yes or no.

This thing, I didn¡¯t even care until last year. But this year was different. I too wanted to go. And these also meant, I wanted to have girlfriend.

While I¡¯m doing this, one girl in my golf team asked me if I¡¯m going to homecoming or not. I answered to her in ¡°cool¡± way, to give her ¡°I didn¡¯t care, it does not bother me, and I¡¯m cool¡± tone.

Which actually was a like, because I wanted to go¡¦ you know. And then I asked her back, ¡°are you going?¡± she said yes, but she also said she doesn¡¯t want to go.

I asked why so and she said she didn¡¯t like her date. Ok. I didn¡¯t write this in Korean version above, but the girl right here talking to me was a girl I like. She was cute.

And she¡¯s telling me these. She said, ¡°the guy brought flowers and posters, and asked me out at launch where everybody was watching us. How can I say no?¡±

Next day, I asked her how was it. She said it was actually fun. And told me I should have went. I thought, yes I should have went, I should have¡¦ and she also said that she didn¡¯t even hung out with her date, but with her friends.

I went over her homecoming day pictures uploaded on facebook, it looked good¡¦.

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