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´º¿åÀÇ ¹«·á½Å¹®ÇÔ Street corner Newspaper box

±Û¾´ÀÌ : Grinchy ³¯Â¥ : 2011-07-19 (È­) 04:49:26


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Street corner Newspaper box


Nearly every block in New York City has one thing in common.

The thing in common are the street corner newspaper boxes.

I have noticed the different neighborhoods have different types of boxes.

The other day a yellow newspaper box caught my eye with the title "Gay City".

Usually I pass by these boxes without looking carefully, but this time I was curious and it made me think about this city's diversity and how there are many different types of people who are all seeking to have a voice.

Recently, the New York legislature passed a law giving the right for gays to marry. Next week Gay Marriage will become legal. This probably bothers some people but it is one may freedom of equality can be given to those people who for a long time have been discriminated.

I looked inside the box to see if there were any newspapers, but the box was empty...

-Greenwich Village, NYC

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