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´ë·Õ´ë·Õ ¸Å´Þ¸° ½Å¹ß..A Wire for Shoes

±Û¾´ÀÌ : Grinchy ³¯Â¥ : 2011-06-20 (¿ù) 12:43:51


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* * *

A Wire for Shoes


In the June sky, what is that hanging on the telephone wire?

It's not just one pair, it's five pairs of shoes tied together and thrown up into the air!


What reason?



Or is it a neighborhood gangster sign?

Anyway, how did the person return home without their shoes?

I can't imagine if those are my shoes hanging helplessly above the road.

Perhaps I like to think maybe someone doesn't know the difference between a telephone wire and a wire for drying shoes.

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