The Inevitable Flow of This Election Cycle '16
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 16.06.22 09:31


We have seen a parade of candidates/personalities/characters in this election cycle. Now, there are two. This cycle has been an entertainment. It has been a show, more entertaining than any Broadway show. We have seen minor players with a single issue or two. Some of them were very passionate about their issue/issues, and reminded the public of the importance of their issues; too much money in the election process, military adventurism, climate change, etc. But the fact that they were minor players was clear from the beginning. Some of them had ambitions bigger than their capability. It has been definitely interesting case studies of personalities, backgrounds, and attitudes.


As of today, 6/14/16, with the Washington D.C. Primary over, the country is ready for the general election. Without a doubt Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president of the U.S.A. This is going to happen by default. This is going to be a very boring match.


The time has come to focus on the important issues of our time. Donald is going to be Donald. But the game with Donald is already over. We have to focus on the issues to find the solutions.


All over the world, too many people are suffering and under tremendous stress. The fundamental issues like capitalism, the role of government, growth, inequality, fairness, opportunity for all should be examined carefully and come up with satisfying solutions. If not, the world is going to be more and more very difficult place to live.


From this point on, Hillary Clinton's team should bring people together to tackle the important issues one by one. People need concrete solutions, answers, ways, and enough of campaign slogans.


President Obama performed respectfully. He will be rated as one of the better president. Hillary Clinton has more potential and networkings than Obama ever had. She is given a chance. She should show strong leadership and guide the U.S.A. and the world to the better place. She can do it.






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