It's No Accident
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 15.10.30 07:01

Looking at myself and people/events around me and the world, the recurring theme is that "It's no accident." Actually, if we observe carefully, understand the issues clearly, and think things through with informations from several different and refutable sources we can see why things are the way they are or people behave the way they do. Once we can do this, we gain fresh insight into education, policy/strategy making, and predicting the course of an event. The causality is always there. The only thing is that it becomes clear later and slowly, sometimes.

This is a Presidential primary season---a very long one---and we have the chance to observe the many candidates from both sides. The still very early season has reached its mini crescendo with the Benghazi hearings, and it seems to have preordained Hillary Clinton as the next president. Slowly but surely, people are finding out about the candidates; the qualifications, attitude, personality, and character. After the first Democratic debate, it was clear Jim Webb and Lincoln Chaffee were not up to the job. Martin O'malley is still around, but barely. On the democratic side, it has become a two horse race, but probably without thrilling finish. The Republican side is amusing and entertaining but mostly disappointing. Observed, even casually, it is clear that they are not ready for the occasion. There are reasons why Republican issues and candidates are dismal and regressive in this election cycle. It's been building up for many decades, now. After all, Lincoln Chaffee was once a republican.



photo by Willam Moon

Presidential candidates can't hide from the public, at least from the well-informed ones. But, sometimes, the circumstance, the mood of voters, the lack of good choices, and historical milieu create a situation where unqualified person gets elected. It happens and the country and the world pay for it dearly. We can find the examples all over the world. What's heart-breaking is that one sees it coming and there is not much one can do about it. The tide is too strong for a few people to stop it. At least, you can see it coming when watching carefully because, usually, they are no accidents.

At the personal level, every decision we make and every action and reaction we take are the culmination and manifestation of our life-long struggle, preparation, and effort we put into our life. The enduring, meaningful success, achievements take the  sustained effort of an individual and loving support groups, surely, encompassing generations. Life can be unfair, after all, in the old days, king's son became a king. But that is an another long story. The old cliche comes to mind: "It takes a village." I'd like to add that "and generations."

From all over the world, we can see the story lines developing. Many times, it is heartaching but interesting and exciting, nonetheless.

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