A Reflection on Leadership
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 15.02.20 13:43


Looking at the more assertive President Obama after the big loss in the last midterm election is a pleasant turn of the events. I see a leadership that has been waiting for the right time, politically, to be true to himself. His popularity is surging, and he is looking more confident, and comfortable. He is going to be one of the better presidents in the history.




                                     <ÀÌÇÏ »çÁø www.en.wikipedia.org>



In the mean time, the next presidential election of '16 is on many people's mind. It appears, at the time, that Hillary Clinton may not have any primary challengers. There are a lot of talks over whether this, no challenge, is good for the general election or not. On the Republican side, there are several possible candidates, but, at the moment, Jeb Bush and Scot Walker are on people's lips. The Bush family political machine is being reassembled, now, and Jeb Bush just had a minimum of 100,000$/plate fund raising party at Henry Kravis' place. No Republican candidate can match this kind of fund raising.




                                                                           Scot Walker



Presidents have to have a big tent to be effective, meaning that there are a certain amount of horse-trading/compromise/negotiation. At the same time, a leader should have firm and sound core values, and the courage and faith to stick with it, for the long haul. A leader must have a vision/goal of where to go and how to get there. A leader should be totally focused in the task.


President Obama has his core values acquired from his life, and he is sticking with it. That's why he feels authentic, and, in the end, he'll turn out to be one of the great Presidents. Hillary Clinton had focus, core values, and vision. Now, she has much experiences as a politician/leader, but her core values, focus, and vision have become murkier. The country has moved along swiftly. Has she evolved on the right side of the history? That is the question. What is going to be her narrative? That is to be watched with great interest.




                                                                           Jeb Bush


Jeb Bush claims that he is different from his father and brother, and that he is his own man. The strong thread in the Bush family from his grandfather's time is that they are, all, businessman first and leader later. Their game plan has been making money, as much as possible, first and then running for office, later. This kind of game plan may have worked in the 20th century, but may not be desirable in the 21st century. The complexity of 21st century mandates sound core values, focus on the task, and enduring vision from a leader who is not tainted with personal business interests.


What the world needs is a leader who can embrace many different ideas and personalities, and rise above them. A leader who is prepared, cool, confident and positive from his/her core values.


Good leadership makes great contributions toward a brighter world. Just look around the world, good leaders are hard to come by. We need leaders with sharp insight who can start fresh dialogue with enduring responsibility in mind.



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