The Three Pillars
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 14.12.31 08:51


This is about a story I read a long time ago so that, now, I don't remember where the story came from. All I remember is that it was a story about three persons; a philosopher, a warrior, and a lover. But I do remember that it was a story that could work at anyplace and anytime in the world. Also, I do remember that it was a long story and the story wasn't quite over when the telling was done.


They went about their life in each different ways. When they set out, each one of them didn't know how they would turn out because, like most people, events in their life and growing up itself threw so much at them, they just didn't have enough time to dwell on it. The only thing is that they had the courage, intelligence, and confidence. I'm not sure they knew they had those qualities in the beginning, but, surely, those qualities were developing, taking shape, and coming through.


In a way, all of them were rebels in a positive sense. That was why they took three distinct ways of life, and, certainly, they were the originals in their own way with definite class. Difficulties, mistakes, and regrets along the way were givens. It is that I don't quite remember what they were.


The philosopher went about his life, of course, asking a lot of questions. He appreciated the fact that questions kept coming. The only thing is that the focus on new questions didn't help much with appreciating the finer things in life. The life is, after all, not just about visions, ideals, meanings, and purposes.



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The warrior showed a lot of heart, competence, and decisiveness. He ventured out, and, mostly, succeeded. In the sense that nobody succeed every time they venture out. All along, there were the warrior's flair whether he knew it or not.



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The lover had love for many things, the finer things in life. He, also, had class and flair. What made him real lover was though that he had the willingness to love things, and people as they were. The lover wasn't trying to change, or fight things, events, and people. Along the way, the lover learned to love.


I decided to tell this story because a young man in the story said the three were the pillars of his life. He said he had all three of them in himself with a certain confidence. At least, that is how the legend went.



* For Newsroh and my family. Sis, forward it to everybody, please.



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