It's a Compelling Story
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 14.06.17 04:04



I follow golf and tennis whenever I have time because I play both sports. Nowadays, I watch more for the flow of the game and body language of the players than the mechanics of their shot making. At the top level, the mechanics of shot making is sound in both sports, and given the right setting, the execution could be perfect. Until it is not that is. Some matches, games, and shots are compelling but some are not.


Soccer is a sport I don't understand too well and don't follow, mainly, because I don't have time for it. But I can see the beauty of it; the move, the pass, the timing, the reading of the situation. It seems soccer is in the air because of the World Cup in Brazil. I have been more interested in the country of Brazil than the game of soccer. The relationship between Brazilian identity and soccer is a fascinating story and I'm beginning to pay more attention to the World Cup and how the people of Brazil relate to it. I'm beginning to understand the long story behind 'the beautiful game' by Pele. Brazil and football, a compelling story.


Not too long ago, I watched the musical 'Evita.' My first take on the show before I watched it was why Evita. But, somehow, it was a compelling story. It started slow confirming my why Evita. But in the end I was totally into it. There was a certain empathy, understanding, and a pathos.







In addition to the above mentioned, several books and articles I have read and plus some of the encounters I had made me think about what makes it a compelling story. I have read the interview with Hillary Clinton on the People magazine, it was definitely not compelling.


For a story to be compelling, there has to be a redeeming value, struggle, passion, a certain dignity, logic, and class. A story that pulls you; not push you away. A story, in the end, we can say O.K. A story that touches our common humanity no matter how it came about.



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