Moral Clarity
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 18.06.16 08:48


The FINDER (fresh insight, new dialogue, enduring responsibility) has been examining important issues of our time; the importance of dialogue on a collective/communal level to mitigate ¡®alone together¡¯; the essential requirements of successful negotiation/breakthrough; understanding culture and good education for satisfying career/job; politics and elections (The Presidential Election Cycle of2016: The Whole Story); Korean American Issues, Now; Democracy, Constitution and Leadership in View of the Current Political Situations; The Two Koreas, Why and Where to; Identity in 21st Century. It has been wonderful learning, enlightening, maturing process/experience for everyone involved. We did come up with fresh insights, started new dialogue, and instilled responsibility in everybody who participated. Ideas, personalities, and events were examined to earn clearer understanding of the world.

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 Confucius and Socrates



As observing the last few days of news cycle, the realization setting in is that the essential question is what is the Moral Clarity of our time and the moment. It doesn¡¯t come from vacuum, ignorance, cluelessness, and without preparation/effort/context. It may start from gut feelings but that is not enough, clearly.


There are many issues and events which could use moral clarity; too many to enumerate here; from personal to international politics and trade; from ethics to laws; jobs and technology; nature, environment and sustainability. There are so many different gut feelings from so many different guts and emotional states, and, sometimes, those guts are detached from their brains. Most of us carry baggages of interesting kinds; most of the times, without being aware of them. No wonder, so much confusion out there. O.K., chaos is a given and the nature of humanity. But enough people having clarity is good for humanity. Don¡¯t you agree? You say you¡¯re confused?


One clear cut moral clarity is G7 and Russia. One thing we should learn from history is the brutality and inhumanity of us, to ourselves. We have to watch out for our nature. We can¡¯t and must not tolerate occupation of Crimea and juvenile behavior by Putin. Of course, Putin is not the only confused boy out there. It is, again, etc., etc., and etc. Still, the point has to be made and delivered with clear message that there are consequences to be exacted.


Watching the process of Kim/Donald meeting, the fog of confusion has been staggering. Well, at least, it provided some drama. But a drama not deserving of its audience. Here, the gut feeling level of clarity was evident to people who were ready to see through it, all. The clarity was/is that everybody wanted it to happen/succeed. The moral clarity is that those boys better deliver because their people deserve/demand it. History dictates it.


We need people who can see through confusion and provide crystal clear logic and moral. The more, the better? Would the majority consensus agree with that clarity? Would they and by when? That is the drama; on the biggest stage. But the truth is that leaders shouldn¡¯t provide too much drama to their people. It is real with real people¡¯s lives. We shouldn¡¯t be in the position of ¡°Are you exhausted, yet.¡± of Trump. How about ¡°No Drama Obama?¡±

Myong Mark Lee







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