The Way of FINDER
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 17.06.21 00:31

Understanding the world we're living in is the fundamental attitude/life goal of a FINDER. Complete and thorough understanding of our life and the world is not realistic because it is an ongoing process; not a task to be completed or finished. This means that we have to be focused and pursue excellence but with humility, perspective, and the appreciation of the chance given to us.


There is an age-old proverb in Korea which says that even though you have the solutions for all the problems in the world, if you don't speak out, that means nothing.




FINDER is nailing down what the world is all about, for that matter--let's be very pompous--the Universe. And then, contribute positively to the world. These are lofty objectives; hard and difficult. But this is the essence of a FINDER.


Now, let's come back down to the real world where we have to make a living(economy stupid); live up to the expectations of and responsibilities to our family and friends; paying bills and carrying out chores of daily life. Most of us, actually all of us, are struggling at this level, and don't have the time and energy or interest other than immediate needs and desires. This is why bringing people together for Communal issues are not easy.


But must we bring people together, at least a critical number of people, into the discussion. It should take many different forms if necessary. The idea of FINDER serves as a big tent to bring people with different views, needs, and goals, together; at the least, to expand our understanding of the world.


After six Communal Dialogue/forum/platform/communal event/critique of issues of the time, we have come to the place of a little structure/organization to be more effective. We should move beyond big general ideas to specific and concrete issues and tasks at the individual level. We're in this long-haul, and move step by step.


From now on, our theme has to be defined clearly in concrete language with confident expertise. We'll keep our promise of giving people with fresh and passionate view a platform, but random passionate presentation, alone, is not going to cut it.


Therefore, I'm calling for monthly or bimonthly exchange of ideas for the future Communal Dialogue and/or to come up with specific and concrete projects. We'll bring our resources together to bring in experts to be a part of those projects.


We have started with big picture ideas/concepts/principles/core values; it is time to get down and dirty. Let's get to work. Our goal is nothing less than providing training ground for the future leaders. A leader in a specific field and with all-around wisdom to lead an organization effectively in this ever-evolving world.



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