The Vision for America, Korea; Humanity
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 17.02.07 02:19



In times of uncertainty and turmoil-- well, in a very interesting time-- it is reassuring to make sure what we want and why, instead of being mired in day to day chaos. To be sure, moment to moment focus is a must. But as important is the insight, perspective and a sense of history/longview to give the moment, clarity. Clarity, of course, gives steadiness. The importance of calm steadiness is essential in any situation. What we want has to start from our vision for the future. And then, we have to be able to provide the logic/rationale/knowledge/wisdom to support that vision.


In this globalized and fast moving world, the fundamental issues are of the same nature, just that different local flavors are added. The U.S.A. and Korea face the same issues of income/wealth inequality; social safety net; moral/ethical/social uneasiness; etc, etc, etc. Once, the climate change and the refuge situation are taken into account, the fundamental issues are of the humanity, itself. The humanity is facing some crucial and huge issues, now. What is happening in the US.A. and Korea are not very encouraging. The disturbing fact is that the two in the center of the situations are clinical cases and not political or social cases. Societies which can produce these kinds beings need to have some serious soul searching. This is even after humanity's foolishness, stupidity, and absurdity are acknowledged.


The only saving grace is that-- if there are any-- throughout history, every generation felt that they had the most difficult issues, ever. Our moment, now, is not the most difficult or complicated. It is proverbial " a walk in the park." The sky is sunny but, maybe, just maybe, with a little cloud.


What's staying constant is that we're facing, more or less, the same kind of issues of what it means to be a human. The world definitely has improved in terms of human rights and civil rights, but the fundamental issues of being a human remains. It'll always be. That's our challenge, forever. That's why each generation has to stay alert, and engaged.


The vision of the U.S.A. and Korea may have one obvious difference in that Korea is a divided country which should never had happened at the first place. But reunification is coming. It is a matter of how soon. Actually, the U.S.A. has more intractable issues of the original sins. Nobody is perfect and no country is perfect. We just push on with calm steadiness.


Calm steadiness is wonderful. But for what? There comes the vision. We need to clarify our vision and be able to give the clear reason for that vision. What is your vision and rationale? For the U.S.A., Korea, and Humanity. It is just the first step.



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