The Vision
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 14.05.30 10:40



Now, we have gotten the crying out of the way, and examined what make us feel alive which could be applied to the common humanity. It is time to clarify and resolve where, why, and how to proceed to create better community, better world.


The vision for the better community, and the world has to be based on simple and fundamental images. These images should be presented with a few words and phrases, so that, at a time of crisis, and confusion, we can reach back quickly, and firmly.



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I had the privilege of attending the Naval Academy graduation ceremony. It was wonderful to see and feel the naval and marine military culture. The culture is direct and its image presented with a few words and phrases. In time of life or death, the image, the culture would come clearly and strongly. Honor, pride, duty, accountability, curiosity, loyalty, doing what is right, and making sure that all is doing the right thing; never leaving a comrade behind. Pride and loyalty were visible and palpable.


The vision of a community and the world has to be based on the solid, positive, and optimistic culture. This culture should be defined by decency, dignity, integrity, empathy, generosity, respect, wise sense of right and wrong, and understanding the importance of being humble. The most important of all is that these images start from each one of us as an individual. Each one of us has to create the culture where we can nurture our humanity.


The one caveat is that to have a culture there must exist the fundamental infrastructures. One of the most important infrastructures is providing a decent living standard. When I'm hungry and stressed, the culture I'll create is hungry and stressed.





The extreme injustice and inequality of feudal system were met by revolutions. France had a revolution and the new continent of North America created a new nation about the same time. Their vision and culture were about the same representing their time in history. That culture and vision were expressed by freedom, equality, and pursuit of happiness in North America, and liberte, egalite, and fraternite in France. Three words that meant and means a lot and, still, are the work in progress.


This vision thing will always be a work in progress. But we have to start from creating a better culture. This better culture for the vision start from each one of us and the society and the government have to try their best to provide the infrastructure for the culture to take hold.




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