Republican Presidential Primary of 2012
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 12.03.28 17:40

As of today, 3/21/12, it is safe to say that the presumptive nominee is the nominee. In hindsight, it was obvious all along, and, especially so, in this Republican Primary cycle. The only thing is, in the excitement, anticipation, and gamesmanship of a new election cycle, the necessary information and insight to make a decision come slowly and gradually to our already information saturated mind with weakened attention span. In any election, there are the issues, (economy, jobs, taxes, regulations, foreign policy, and etc.), the candidates, and then, the public. Each of this trinity has its own subsets.

For instance, the public has right, left, center(moderate, independent, whichever way you classify it), and each of these subsets have their own subsets. This means, in any national election, there are numerous possible permutations which makes it interesting and unpredictable. Or, it should be.

This Primary cycle has not been very interesting, mainly, because of the candidates. There are very important issues, one may even call them the defining issues. There are the public which is slowly but definitely realizing the right priorities of our world. In other words, as far as the issues and the public are concerned, this election cycle could have been very interesting, exciting, and inspiring. The thing is that the third leg of the trinity, the candidates of the Republican Primary, is very boring and disappointing. With the exception of Mit Romney who, probably, has been preparing to get elected as the President of U.S.A. ever since his father lost the nomination in 1968, the candidates should have known better than running as a candidate of their party.



A cast of candidates paraded through the stage, as the flavor of the week or the month, but they all turned out to be not ready for the occasion. The interesting question of their candidacy is not the policy positions, the principles, the vision, or the leadership. It is where, why, and how they arrived at the idea of running for the nomination of the Republican Presidential candiate. Many recent articles, books, even a movie explain and depict the appalling and disturbing general ignorance and low calibre of the candidates.

Last election cycle, there was Sarah Palin who made it more obvious that the Republican ticket would lose. The McCain team made the decision to pick her as a 'game changer' but it soon dawned on them of their decisive mistake. But in the crop of this cycle, most of them are the calibre of Palin. This time, though, they volunteered themselves as the obvious losers.

Most of us knew that Gingrich and Santorum were not the real contenders from the beginning. Their shelf life as a flavor was a little longer precisely because nobody took them seriously in the beginning. Nobody, even themselves, thought they would come as far as they did. But the curtain is finally coming down on them, and they should know it themselves no matter what they say publicly.

It was obvious, when the field of the Republican candidates became definite after some sought-after and preferred and presumed candidates dropped out, The presumptive nominee, Mit Romney, would win the nomination almost like by default of the field. So, what could have been a very meaningful, constructive, and stimulating campaign has turned into a huge disappointment for the country.

Still, the Presidential election itself could turn out to be interesting, constructive and very smart. The issues are there. The public is hungry for some real intelligent debate. The stage is set, and the audience ready, it is up to the actors to make the show a big success. The one caveat, I have to add, is that the show has to go on not only on Broadway but many small communities all around the country. It'll test the calibre of the candidates and their strategists.

The Primary has been disapponitng, but it is still the biggest live and real time drama in the country with its cast of characters, ideas, situations, and occasions. Oh, not to forget, there are money, ambition, twisted logic and emotion, and, of course, hubris.

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