State of the Union Address of 2013
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 13.02.18 12:37


This State of the Union Address had the added importance of setting the agenda and tone of the President's second term. President Obama touched on many different issues and showed clearly where he is coming from and where his heart lies.


This address clearly defined his positions on many arena of the nation's affairs. Also, I accept the criticism that Mr. Obama mentioned many different issues but not much of the specifics. So much so that a paper used the word 'doable ?' How much a President accomplishes what he sets out to do is, many times, beyond the President's control.


Here, I quote what he said in the State of the Union Address. "But we were never sent here to be perfect. We were sent here to make what difference we can, to secure this nation, expand opportunity, and uphold our ideals through the hard, often frustrating, but absolutely necessary work of self-government." The State of the Union Address of 2013 lists what his second term is going to pursue, and underpinned the many policies with the idea of 'citizenship.' A citizen who is responsible for oneself and others around.


On the domestic policies, economy, jobs, and expanding middle class were the main concerns. All other policies and proposals are more or less to boost the three main goals. "Growing economy that create good, middle class jobs; a rising, thriving middle class; government works on behalf of the many, and not just the few."


These are the President's goals and visions for his second term. Some other domestic polices are on manufacturing jobs, energy, infrastructure (roads, bridges, high-speed rail and Internet, self-healing power grids), housing, education, immigration reform, gun control, voting rights, women's rights, and climate change. One interesting new proposal was raising the minimum wage to 9 dollars.


On the foreign policies, the foundational idea is the spread of freedom, equality, and fairness all over the world, and the U.S.A. leading the way. This is to be done with the diplomatic solutions as the first choice. International trade is emphasized with Trans-Pacific Partnership, and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the EU. The importance of patience in dealing with the crisis around the world is duly noted.


The President covered the full spectrum of his agenda. I get where he is coming from and where he wants to go, and I applaud both. The politics is going to be difficult, but he is making the right moves by appealing directly to the people.


Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign team was highly praised for the effectiveness, and was pointed out as one of the main reasons for the success in the election. This powerful team has been transformed into Organizing for Action(OFA). OFA is mobilizing grassroots support for the second term agenda. Barack Obama's chances of meaningful second term is better than good because it is coming from his heart, and this is what, who, he is.




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