A Tale of Two Conventions
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 12.09.10 14:15


RNC in Tampa and DNC in Charollte are over, and, according to Gallup tracking poll, the Team Obama was more successful. The Team Romney got no bounce from their convention in the poll, the results were within the poll's margin of error. September 4-6 poll results showed 52 percent approval rating for the President Obama which is a 7 point bump from Sept 1-3 result of 45 percent, and his highest since bin Laden was killed. The numbers clearly tells the tale.


The numbers aside, there were clear differences between the two conventions in the people, the message, the milieux, the presentation, and the planning. The opinions on the national political conventions were numerous from totally useless to wonderful American experience. Again, not just the conventions but how people view them were interesting.


The role/purpose of the conventions has been evolving along with the evolving method of selecting the party nominee, and other political, social, financial, and technological advancement. The political machine, and the bosses used to play the decisive role in selecting and not electing the nominee at the convention and different factions hammered out the party platform, thus, the famous cigar-smoke filled back room deals.


They say it used to be more interesting and exciting with a lot of intrigue. With the advent and maturation of the primary system, the suspense of who is going to be the nominee is gone from the convention. It has turned into a showcase of the candidate. This explains the awkward disconnect between the candidate and the party platform.


In Tampa, the building up of the mood, stage, and storyline so that Romney can inspire his base and the nation didn't quite jelled. The planning was not very impressive and the speakers were mostly talking about themselves. In Charollte, there were definite coordination to explain and present the message to the country, and the speakers were effective in building up the case for the President. Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, all of them were clearly a cut above the speakers for the other side.


The presentation of the each speakers were interesting in their differences and uniqueness. Also, the Team Obama took advantage of the mistakes the Team Romney made, for instance, in foreign policy. It is a long story why that particular mistake was made. Suffice it to say that it was coming to them because of the history of their wrong headed policies.


The conventions are always interesting human drama as is any gathering. But this time, the issues are about the fundamentals of the direction of the nation, the differences crystal clear, and the voters have the responsibility to think it through and cast their vote with better future in mind. What makes this election cycle exciting is the messages and the policies have to be complicated to work in the real world but the slogans and the campaign simple, direct and to the point.

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