by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 18.06.05 03:04



Every thinking person hopes to have clear identity even though that identity may be evolving with time. Identity is an organizing principles on a personal level. On a collective/Communal/National/universal level that thinking person strives to have a worldview that could make sense of the events at the time. It is an organizing principles on a communal level. It revolves around not just me but we, and the world.


The U.S.A. needs to re-examine her worldview because any country which can produce as a leader, Donald ¡®America¡¯s Nightmare¡¯ Trump, could use it. Moreover, the U.S.A. Is still the positive leading force in the world, and it is about time to think clearly, critically and get our acts together. ¡°I have the absolute right to pardon myself.¡± Absolutely (moron/Tillerson, idiot/McMaster, stupid/Kelly) disgraceful. What is the American Worldview at the moment? What should be the worldview?


History mandates Korea to examine and establish her identity and worldview. It is always an exciting time when you have a chance to renew yourself; when what you¡¯ve been wishing for is, finally, given a chance to become the reality. Time to stay cool and think through clearly. The literally suffocating wall and psychically confining invisible burden are being lifted. It is time to create and organize the worldview for people who are independent, strong, proud, creative, wise, generous, and positive. Time to find a consensus on the new image and vision. It is an exciting time. We should welcome the challenge and step up to the plate. As we all know there are much much to do.


Worldview is a catchall term for the organizing principles of any community, large and small. Worldview and identity go hand in hand. If identity is personal virtues, world view is ideas/principles behind the institutions we create to run communities. Political principles and institutions; economic principles and institutions; educational; judicial; etc., etc., etc.


Simply put, it is a question of what kind of world we want to live in. Democracy? Capitalism? Ph.D. for everyone? Equality for everyone? Winner take all? Guaranteed income for everyone? Quality healthcare for everyone? What is quality healthcare? Who pays for it? Walking or Star Trek transporter as transportation infrastructure? It is complicated. Lots of decisions to make. Do we understand the issues clearly?


A very smart person I know insists on benevolent dictatorship as the best political system because that person has no faith in democracy; rather skeptical that people can handle true democracy. Definitely, there¡¯re points to be made. But how long can we trust the benevolence of a dictator? Communism doesn¡¯t work that we know. Capitalism? Socialism? Both sound attractive. Well, perhaps. As you and I know it is a long story.


There will never be a perfect worldview for the ages. Humanity has its problems and is too restless to stay at one place. This doesn¡¯t mean we don¡¯t have to search/create upgraded worldview. Actually, must we do.


Clearly, the U.S.A. and Korea have to give themselves undated image/vision. I have my ideas. Do you?

choi-jae-eun-dreaming-of-earth-shigeru-ban-korea-DMZ-designboom-04 image courtesy of the artist and shigeru ban studio, provided by kukje gallery.jpg

"Dreaming of Earth," a project spearheaded by Jae-Eun Choi and backed by star architect Shigeru Ban and others.

It calls for a bridge between North and South Korea above thousands of mines in the Demilitarized Zone.

<image courtesy of the artist and shigeru ban studio, provided by kukje gallery>





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