Korean American Issues
by ÀÌ¸íµ¿ | 16.10.21 16:50


The one thought that holds all my goals and visions together is finding/creating/pursuing the new image of man. When I was younger I didn't realize that was what I was doing, almost instinctively. One day, a long the way, I made it the defining goal of my life without fully realizing that I've been doing it, all along. Then, recently, it dawned on me that most people had/have been and are doing the exact same thing. That is why the wisdoms/core values/principles of life that led to productive/creative lives are, more or less, the same in the narratives of humans. The mixed bag nature of us make things confusing and conflicting, but the totality is in favor of the narrative. This is the fundamental fact; the truth.

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In that context, it is time to examine and define the ever evolving image of Korean Americans. Why you ask? As this election cycle of 2016 shows there are many different voices out there; some are extremes. There is the need for well examined and clearly defined majority consensus in any community for the constructive future. This has to be done with great intelligence, clear/critical understanding of the world, and honesty with ourselves. Above all, the age-old wisdom in humanity that we are far more effective as a team is the answer to whys. Are you ready and willing to be a part of that team?

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There are many issues we're facing. Many people are struggling too much to be concerned about the big picture. Some of us who are lucky enough to have the time to think about the defining issues of our time should humbly accept the challenge. It is a privilege we shouldn't take lightly.

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Many questions we can ask. Where are we coming from, in historical perspective? One of the key concepts in the world, right now, is integration. What do we mean by integration, exactly? Some one said that America is "ceaseless becoming." This election cycle makes that point very clear. Where do we fit in and what role should we play? What can we bring to the table of America? Capitalism is the main idea. How can we create the pool of capital? Are we able to realize that we have to come together to form the pool, and, most important of all, the end goal should be "lifting all boats." Are we smart enough to realize that "No man is an island." Just look at Donald.

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The issues are many. One is the historical PTSD(posttraumatic stress disorder), including the PTSD from highly competitive society. The signs and symptom are many and evident to observant eyes. We have to address this issue to understand ourselves. This is a requirement in finding the new image. This historical therapy is a must preparation for the unification of Koreas.

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Another issue is the role of religion in our community. It could play a very positive role for the future. What is the state of religion and church, now?

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Most important of all is how do we prepare ourselves to be the positive leading force in the ever evolving "for the better Union," that is the U.S.A. That is, now, our country.

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